Best Burgers Simple (3 Bun-less ideas)

Are you looking for a way to get creative in finding new ways to get vegetables to the plate? Sometimes you just have to think outside of the box! CREATIVITY. I see meal time as a game, how can I rid the processed junk in typical American meals and twist them to be more tasty, flavorful, and packed with nutritious benefits!

Try these AMAZING BUN – LESS Burger ideas to get you started!

BURGERS Animal products whether beef, lamb, chicken or poultry are a great source of protein, iron, Zinc and B vitamins… but it’s all in the product that your choosing! I am NOT talking about the processed stuff from cattle who were fed on grain, had poor living conditions, and were pumped with hormones.. not to mention the chemicals added after the slaughter! That stuff is NOT good for you.  Some chemicals used in the US are even banned in other countries like ractopamine… is this safe? So what to do....


I rarely eat meat (maybe 1-2x/month), for others once a week may be more realistic. So what should you choose for burgers? Choose 100% Grass-Fed Beef/Lamb/Turkey (aim for 90% Lean, but if it is local, organic & Grass-Fed to be honest, the “lean” may not be as crucial… it’s when we purchase the conventional meat products when you should pay attention to “extra lean” cuts. I dare you, just once, buy the little pricier option at the store and I guarantee you will taste the difference! (When purchasing meat at the counter, compare  grass-fed cuts to conventional cuts… see the light vs. dark color? See the marbling (white swirls of fat dispersed)… hmmm… I think I know what one I would choose! Rich red color, 100% Grass Fed Organic for me please! =)


  • 1 Lb. 100% Grass-Fed, hormone and antibiotic free, local, organic Beef/Lamb

  • 1/2 c chopped yellow onion

  • 2 Tbs Fresh Thyme

  • 1 Tbs Dried Oregano *(Organic is best for dried herbs as dried spices are usually subjected to irradiation in the processing)

  • 1 Tbs Dried Basil *Organic

Directions: Mix all ingredients in bowl, form 4 patties. Drizzle 1 Tbs unrefined organic coconut oil in frying pan (or use a grill) and cook burgers to medium done-ness (should be just slightly pink in the middle)





Ok go try! And don’t forget to add a fresh heirloom summer tomato and sliced avocado to your beautiful bunless burger! Go ahead take a big BITE!=)

Love to hear what you like to do for a “bunless” grain-free burger and what has worked/doesn’t work for you?

POTATO PANCAKE I promise these were AMAZING and totally held up.. I was shocked! Thank you to one of my favorite Paleo cookbooks Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfillipo. I had the guys at the dinner table try it and they approved full thumbs up!

Potato Pancake Recipe

  • 3 eggs

  • 2 tsp coconut flour

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp ginger

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 2 cups shredded sweet potatoes

  • Coconut oil for pan frying

Directions:Medium sized bowl beat eggs with coconut flour and spices.  Mix in shredded sweet potatoes (use food processor/vitamix/very finely chop) until well combined.  Spoon onto skillet and cook about 2-3 min per side.(Recipe from Practical Paleo)

LETTUCE “BUN”– USE BOSTON BIBB LETTUCE *** I have tried many lettuce wraps with Romaine or Kale, but Boston Bibb Lettuce Caps definitely hold up the best!! Use the larger outside leaves to hold your burger up for big bites! =)

PORTOBELLA MUSHROOM CAPS I haven’t made these yet but am dying to try… Grill or bake large portobella mushroom caps at 350 F for about 10 minutes before using for these burgers!


Health Boosting Granola Bars


Easy Pineapple Salsa