Roasted Spaghetti Squash & Italian Beef Tomato Sauce

Looking for meal that takes less than 20 minutes to make?  Roasted spaghetti squash is one of my favorite winter time meals to make, and this easy tomato sauce can be whipped up while your squash is cooking! You have the option to make this meal vegetarian (no beef), or add some extra iron, protein, and CLA (conjugated Linoleic Acids) with a lean grass-fed beef which has been shown to positively help reduce body fat.  Get cooking - this one is a family favorite in our house!

Roasted Spaghetti Squash & Italian Beef Tomato Sauce


  • 1 Spaghetti Squash

  • Olive Oil

  • Garlic

  • 1 Yellow Onion

  • 1 Lb. Grass-Fed Lean Beef (HERE is a great guide if you're not sure where to find sustainably raised grass-fed beef)

  • 2 cans tomatoes

  • 1 head kale

  • Italian Herbs

  • Fresh Rosemary

  • Salt/Pepper



  1. ROAST SQUASH.  Poke the spaghetti squash with a fork.  Put in a 350F pre-heated oven in it's whole form (don't need to peel or chop anything yet) for 45 minutes. **Option to microwave 3-6 minutes as well. Head here for help/directions. When the quash is done roasting, cut down the center and remove the seeds.  Use a fork to remove the "spaghetti" like squash strands and put in a large bowl that you will pour your sauce over. 

  2. MAKE SAUCE - SAUTE ONION/GARLIC.  Add olive oil to a large saute pan on medium-high heat and wait about 3 minutes until it's surface is hoe to add onion and garlic.  Cook onion/garlic 3-5 minutes (until onions starts to sizzle and turn translucent or "clear"). 

  3. ADD HERBS. Add Italian herbs and seasoning to your onion/garlic mix for another 1-2 minutes.

  4. ADD BEEF and use your spatula to break up into small pieces.  Cook for another 5 minutes until browned. **If you are using a vegetarian option, just omit this step!!

  5. ADD CANNED TOMATOES to the large saute pan (you have the option to strain out any fat drippings from your grass-fed beef).  Let tomatoes cook down for 5-10 minutes. (OPTION to put stove on low and let simmer for 30-45 minutes, but you if you're making this as a quick meal don't worry about it!). 

  6. ADD ROSEMARY & KALE/SPINACH.  Add your rosemary and greens in the last 5 minutes of cooking.  The greens will wilt down quickly, so do this right before serving. 

  7. SERVE over your cooked spaghetti squash. 


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